miercuri, 3 iulie 2013

The Merry Cemetery

En: Sorry for not posting often these past 2 weeks, but, as i said before , i was back home and tried to spend as much time as i could with my friends an family . Now we are back to Constanta, i can start my postings again :) Everybody in Romania knows about the Merry Cemetery and it was so nice for mr to go back there and see this beautiful museum all over again. A genuine open-air museum, the Merry Cemetery of Sapanta, dating back to 1935 , lies near the village church and includes over 800 folk art monuments with a stunning appearance and meanings. They are the lifetime work creation of Stan Ioan Patras skilful craftsman and wood carver, a simple man who learned this trade throughout hard work and dedication. He made wooden crosses but in a very original and personal manner, managing to lay aside the sadness and the dark aspects related to death.He succeeded instead to turn the drama into hope, bantering with realism and humour ,emphasising more on life's triumph . The Merry Cemetery is a unique place of pilgrimage . It is a place where people come to mourn their dead , but, above all, it is a place expressing in a very deep and optimistic manner the true meanings and beauties of life.Enjoy...

 Ro: Imi cer scuze ca nu am mai postat atat de des in ultimele 2 saptamani, dar , cum am mai spus , am fost acasa si am incercat sa imi petrec timpul liber alaturi de famile si prieteni. Ne-am intors la Constanta, asa ca am sa incep sa postez mai des:) Cu totii am auzit de "Cimitirul Vesel", iar pt mine a fost foarte placut sa ma intorc si sa vad din nou acest frumos muzeu. Adevarat muzeu in aer liber, "Cimitirul Vesel" din Sapanta se afla in centrul satului, la biserica parohiala si cuprinde peste 800 de monumente de arta populara ,cu o infatisare si semnificatii cu totul aparte. Prin specificul sau, acest cimitir, datand din 1935,constitue un unicat de mare valoare. Este opera de-o viata a renumitului sculptor, pictor si poet popular Stan Ioan Patras. Mesterul a faurit din lemn cruci funerare, intr-o maniera cat se poate de originala ,reusind, prin lucrarile sale , sa alunge tristetea si intunericul pe care le aduce moartea. El a inlaturat dramatismul, a ironizat moartea cu luciditate si umor , punand accent pe triumful vietii. "Cimitirul Vesel" este un loc de pelerinaj unic in lume.Este un loc in care oamenii vin sa se reculeaga, sa isi planga mortii, insa, mai presus de toate , este locul in care gasim exprimate, pe cat de simplu pe atat de profund , sensurile si frumusetile vietii.Enjoy...

12 comentarii:

  1. Aia cu soacra e super tare :-))))

  2. Foarte frumoasa!Nu am ajuns acolo , dar merita .

  3. great pics, I didn't visit the cemetery just yet, but I will! xoxo


  4. I didn't know this cemetery. Thanks for sharing your pics.


  5. E un loc cel putin interesant si pentru straini e inedit :)

  6. you both look super cute :)
    a perfect couple !


    Coline ♡

  7. wow , this is perfection for sure ,,, all looks great together , your tank dress is amazing sweetie

    Come see this weeks guest post , you will love her


  8. wow very nice post, the pics are great
    love your style too#
    and thnks for sharing

  9. N-am ajuns pana acum pe-acolo, poate vreodata cand vin in Romania merg.. de fapt chiar maine ajung in Romania, dar ma indoiesc ca voi ajunge si in zona aceea..

  10. Waii , de mult timp imi doresc sa merg acolo , sper ca in viitorul aproapiat sa si ajung :))

    Imi plac mult botinele tale !

    te pup
