joi, 30 mai 2013

Oh Boy!!!

  En: Black and white combo will never go out of fashion, and the designers are the living proof that this is true ,because all the brands had some black and white this season. I chose this shorts with a plain t-shirt, but the main piece of my outfit is the " Boy" London hat. For a while now i started buying hats , having too many pairs of shoes ( this is what Alex said ) i decided to put all my attention into hats, caps etc. I bet this phase will pass soon, because my love for shoes is eternal !!! Enjoy...

   Ro: Combinatia alb-negru nu se va demoda niciodata, iar casele de monda ne-au demonstrat acest lucru si in acest sezon. Eu am ales sa combin perechea neagra de fusta-pantalon cu un tricou simplu, piesa principala a tinutei fiind basca "Boy" London. In ultima vreme m-am pus pe cumparat basti, avand prea multi pantofi ( asta zice Alex ) am decis sa imi indrept atentia si spre sepci, basti etc. Aceasta etapa cred ca va trece destul de repede pt ca, iubirea mea fata de pantofi este eterna!!! Enjoy...

tee/shorts/bag: Zara
watch : Guess
necklace: H&M
hat: Sepci New Era on Fb

marți, 28 mai 2013

New Shoes

 En: I fell in love with stilettos this time of the year, and i wanted neon ones. I was looking for quite some time when i finally found them. I love this local store we have in our country , so i could't just buy stilettos ... Enjoy...

 Ro: M-am indragostit de stiletto in aceasta perioada si mi-am dorit foarte mult o pereche neon. Am cautat destul de mult timp pana am gasit. Iubesc magazinul Mineli , asa ca, nu am putut cumpara decat stiletto ... Enjoy...

shoes : Mineli

vineri, 24 mai 2013

A short story!!!

 En: I love mint and all pastel colours and i always wanted a mint hat, but i only fond one in New Yorker, in man fashion. I was really happy when i found my size ( they had only one left ) .And my shoes? What about my shoes? I adore them, but i try to wear them as rarely as i can so they won't get dirty ( i am pretty clumsy). Some of you girls asked me how i stay in shape. Believe me, I am still working at that post . Enjoy...

 Ro: Iubesc culoarea mint si toate culorile pastel dar, mi-am dorit foarte mult o sapca mint, si singurul loc unde am gasit a fost in New Yorker la barbati. Am fost foarte fericita cand mi-am gasit marimea mea ( mai era doar una ). Iar pantofii? Ce e cu pantofii? II ador , dar incerc sa ii port cat mai rar, sa nu ii murdaresc (sunt destul de impiedicata) .Cateva dintre voi m-ati intrebat cum ma mentin in forma; credeti-ma ca inca lucrez la acel posr. Enjoy...

jeans/tee: Bershka
shoes/vest: Zara
hat: New Yorker
bracelet: local store